Olympic Club groepsfoto 01

Onze reis naar Parijs

Dank voor jouw aanwezigheid in Parijs tijdens het Missie H2 Industrieforum en Koplopersevent. Wij kijken met veel plezier terug op het weekend, maar horen ook graag wat jij ervan vond. 

Thank you for your presence in Paris during the MissionH2 Industry Forum and Frontrunners Event. We look back on the weekend with great pleasure, but we would also like to hear what you thought of it.

First and last name

Netwerk (Networking)

What score would you give the overall group composition?
I have been introduced to new relevant contacts and thereby expanded my network
I have gained new knowledge and insights

Industrieforum (Industry Forum)

Als je niet aanwezig was bij het Industrieforum in de ochtend, kan je de volgende drie vragen overslaan.

If you did not attend the Industry Forum in the morning, you can skip the next three questions.

What score would you give the setup of the industry forum?
What score would you give the setup of the industry forum?
Do you think there should be a follow-up to the industry forum, in addition to the industry agenda? If yes, what should it look like?

Koplopersevent (Frontrunners Event)

What score would you give the setup of the Frontrunners Event?
What score would you give the keynote speakers during the Frontrunners Event?
What score would you give the panels during the Frontrunners Event?
What score would you give the pre-reads for the event?
What do you think should not be missing from the hydrogen acceleration agenda?
Do you think there should be a follow-up in a different way, in addition to the hydrogen acceleration agenda? If yes, what should it look like?

Algemeen (General)

What stood out to you in terms of content?
What is your most memorable moment during this weekend?
Would you be interested in in becoming a partner to the next Missie H2?

Missie H2 heeft de afgelopen Missie (looptijd 2 jaar) verschillende acties, evenementen, bijeenkomsten en awareness gecreëerd met als doel Nederland het waterstofland 2030. In hoeverre heb je van deze acties gezien/gehoord en hebben deze aan het doel bijgedragen?

Over the past two years, Mission H2 has organised interventions with the goal of making the Netherlands the hydrogen country of 2030. To what extent were you aware of these interventions and do you think these have contributed to the goal

The hydrogen map of the Netherlands
Content series 'That other road to Paris'
Eurosonic Noorderslag event with a focus on the use of hydrogen generators as a temporary energy source and follow-up during Dutch Water Week
The use of the hydrogen inspirience during Delfsail to make regional awareness of hydrogen and regional involvement in hydrogen projects visible
What can Mission H2 do to improve its impact?

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